Discovery Days
20-29 Months Old by August
About Discovery Days
This program offers a safe, loving environment for our youngest child to acclimate to a program away from his or her parents. Classes run from late August through mid-May. Children will experience a curriculum that encourages independence, socialization, skill growth, language and spirituality.
A morning snack is provided.
Meet The Teachers
Kim Hicks, Michelle Loe, Becky Melton
Starts at $120/Month
(Per day enrolled)
Offered to young 2 year olds who are walking.
Classes have 8 children with 2 teachers. A third teacher will assist during a portion of the day.
Diapers and pull-ups are allowed in this class. Teachers will assist.
These classes offer activities based on developmentally appropriate objectives. See the link below to view the full list of objectives for these classes.
Curriculum is planned for a one day a week program.
Children may enroll in two days a week if available at $120/month per day of attendance.
Class days and times are Monday-Friday 9:00-11:30AM
Extended Day Program available and will extend their day to 1:00PM. Children will bring a lunch from home. Children experience an extended social time, art activities, story time, and group games. There will be no rest time during their extended day. $50/month (per day enrolled)